Watch Glazed Rookies 2023 by Hot Twinks Porn Movie Online Free - SpeedPorn


Glazed Rookies


Glazed Rookies. It’s a fact that everyone has to start somewhere something that the folks at Hot Twinks realise can be the stunning basis of a five-star bonanza. After all, is there anything sweeter or indeed hotter than watching a collection of relative newbie’s exploring each other on camera for the very first time? That said, the likes of Shane Hirch, Jesse Jenkins and Mike Andrews might not be most experienced in terms of the industry, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t know what to do when it comes to performing in the bedroom (or indeed wherever the urge takes hold). Cue a fabulous array of cock-sucking, ass-breaking talent giving it all they’ve got; resulting (unsurprisingly) in a blistering whitewash of jizz getting liberally shared!.

Release Year: 2023
Studio: Hot Twinks
Duration: 1 hrs. 51 mins.
Release Date: Oct 05, 2023